abril 24


This market keeps growing in the U.S.

abril 24, 2024

This market keeps growing in the US.

Is this an opportunity for your products or services?

Hispanic buying power *WAS* projected to reach $1.9 trillion by 2023, according to the Selig Center for Economic Growth.

This estimation fell short! As per an October 2023 study:
U.S. Latino gross domestic product is now valued at $3.2 trillion.
U.S. Latino purchasing power is measured at $3.4 trillion.

Tapping into this opens a chance for more revenue and more captive clients and customers!

Pricing, speed, quality and managing cultural differences are considerations, as expressed by many!

Contact us, we can have a chat about it and find the right solution.

Translations – Subtitles – Transcriptions – Voice-Over – Interpreters

BusinessGrowth HispanicMarket ReachHispanics RodyCorreaAvila LanguageGlobalSolutions LGS

Rody Correa

Rody Correa - CEO and Founder

Padre de 6, emprendedor, traductor desde 1981, estuvo en toda Amรฉrica del sur y desde 2002 en Mรฉxico y EE. UU.

Entrepreneurial father of 6, translator since 1981, travelled all over South America y resides in Mexico and USA since 2002.

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