mayo 1


Millions more see your products and services

mayo 1, 2024

BusinessGrowth, LanguageServices, LanguageSoluitions, rodycorrea, rodycorreaavila

An opportunity for millions to see your products and services.

At your fingertips. One step at a time. For example…

Subtitles in Spanish of your media content.

In the U.S. alone, a 2024 recent study affirms.

➣ 50% of Americans watch content with subtitles most of the time.
➣ 55% say it is harder to hear dialogue in shows and movies than it used to be.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 430 million people worldwide (5% of the world population) have some kind of hearing disability. With subtitles and closed captions, millions of people get a chance to follow what’s going on in the video.

The math screams opportunity!

One video at a time.

In one month, you could have 600 minutes of videos with subtitles.

That is just subtitles, think about your website, social media content, eLearning content, instruction manuals, training material, promotional content to connect with your local Hispanic community, and then some!

Round numbers for Spanish:
➣ In the U.S. 62 million eyeballs <img decoding=” />
➣ Worldwide 500+ M eyeballs <img decoding=” />

Cherry on the cake – October 2023 study:
➣ U.S. Latino gross domestic product is now valued at $3.2 trillion.
➣ U.S. Latino purchasing power is measured at $3.4 trillion.

RodyCorreaAvila  LanguageGlobalSolutions BusinessGrowth <img decoding=” /> <img decoding=” />

Rody Correa

Rody Correa - CEO and Founder

Padre de 6, emprendedor, traductor desde 1981, estuvo en toda América del sur y desde 2002 en México y EE. UU.

Entrepreneurial father of 6, translator since 1981, travelled all over South America y resides in Mexico and USA since 2002.

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