mayo 24


It is never the wrong time to do the right thing

mayo 24, 2024

It is never the wrong time to do the right thing

64 million Hispanics in the U.S. – don’t miss out!

Show up on their computers, tablets, and phones and connect with
” /> $3.4 trillion buying power! ” />

Yep, trillion, in the U.S. only, as of 2022, stat sponsored by Televisa Univision.

For many, this is still an untapped market.
1 in 5 Americans is Hispanic – an audience worth serving

Do you already dedicate time and resources to reaching the Hispanic Community?

Over 54 million of the 531 million Spanish speakers in the world live in the United States.

Give it some real thought!

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Rody Correa

Rody Correa - CEO and Founder

Padre de 6, emprendedor, traductor desde 1981, estuvo en toda América del sur y desde 2002 en México y EE. UU.

Entrepreneurial father of 6, translator since 1981, travelled all over South America y resides in Mexico and USA since 2002.

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